So I got in touch with Arlene Adams to ask her a few questions and she got back to me! Here are her answers:
Looking at your website, your new work is very different to your previous work. What caused this change?
There were a couple of reasons for the change. I had a few years out of illustration when I had my little boy. I came back afresh wanting a change in direction and a desire to do something new. Also when you work in a style that is quite fashionable inevitably your work has to evolve.
What are your inspirations? Do any artists/designers inspire you?
I like Alexander Girard and a lot of mid century design. I collect a lot of mid century objects and books which have influenced my work recently.
You obviously love using colour, how do you know when enough is enough?
I think it is just an intuitive thing. Working digitally now has made it a lot easier to play around with different colour combinations.
Would you be able to tell me about your working process? How do you get started on a project?
A lot depends on the brief and how open it is. I may gather some reference material if needed (now a lot easier with the internet). I start with pencil sketches which I scan, then work in Illustrator.
Are you ever stuck for ideas? If so how do you overcome this?
It is not that I get stuck for ideas more that I find it difficult to decide on what idea to go with. I find it easier working to a brief as I am very indecisive and the options are more limited.
The elements in your pieces are often symmetrical and your designs in general seem to play with this idea, is this a conscious thing?
I think this is something that has evolved but comes quite naturally to me. I am quite an ordered person so perhaps this is reflected in my work!
Is there any advice you would give to an aspiring illustrator?
If you want to make a living from being an illustrator you have to find a balance in being true to yourself and doing work that is commercial - which isn't always easy!!! You often have to compromise to keep a client happy! It is not a 9-5 job - you will have quiet periods and (hopefully) hectic ones. 'By perseverance' which happens to be my old school motto!

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